
3 months old

Luke turned 3 months old yesterday! He's really developing quite a little personality, and is so active now! He kickes all the time, and likes to roll over on his side whenever we lie him down on his back, and loves to roll right over from front to back.

We don't have a baby scale so I don't have a really accurate weight, but he's definitely gotten a lot bigger than last check! He's about 26 inches long now, and wearing size 3 diapers comfortably. He is really starting to focus on objects for longer periods of time, and likes to bat at his friends on the activity mat, plus stare at the incredibly handsome baby in the mirror:) He brakes out a huge smile for whoever gives him a happy face, and is starting to laugh and giggle...it is the CUTEST sound I've ever heard!!

In terms of eating and sleeping, he's a bit all over the place right now b/c of jet lag and getting over his first cold, but in general he sleeps 6-7 hours strait at night, followed by a feed (usually 4-6 oz per feed of formula plus what he gets from nursing), and then he'll go back down for a nap for about 1 hour. After that, it depends on the day, but he's usually up and active for all but 3 naps (that range from 30 min to 2 hours). When we first got back from Victoria he wound't go down at night until 2:30 am (they are 4 hours behind us), but we now have him going down around 11:00 pm, so hopefully we can get him to consistently go down before 10:00 pm soon. He has "slept throught the night" for 9 hours a few times (apparently sleeping for 6 hours is called "sleeping through the night" when babies are under 1 year, but that doesn't sound like a good night's sleep to me!), but in general we are lucky to get 7 hours....we are thankful he gives us that long, but can't wait for when he'll go down all night:)

Here are a few pics we took yesterday...looking so grown up!!


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